Prof. Dr. Ute Krämer is a member of the Leopoldina
Prof. Dr. Ute Krämer has been elected a member of the German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina..
Press release of the RUB
Cost Action 19116 Plant Metals
The European Cooperation in Science and Technology Cost is funding a four-year project entitled "Cost Action 19116 Plant Metals", which is concerned with trace elements in plants. Ute Krämer is in charge of the scientific communication of the project, which is coordinated by Prof. Dr. Hendrik Küpper from the Biology Center of the Czech Academy of Sciences.
RUB science article | RUB press release | Homepage
European Research Council Advanced Grant
Professor Dr. Ute Krämer is delighted to receive a European Research Council Advanced Grant (ERC-AdG). In this five-year 2.5 Mio. € project, we will work towards an understanding of evolutionary adaptations of plants to the composition of their local soils. We will study how such adaptations arise in evolution, which are the contributing gene variants and how these variants act within their functional networks. The project focuses on diversity in the extremophile model plant Arabidopsis halleri. Central approaches are genome-wide association mapping, the mapping of quantitative trait loci using intra-species crosses and extensive transcriptomics studies..
press release RUB
Our mission is to develop an integrative molecular-functional understanding of plant interactions with their environment. We address the molecular mechanisms underlying plant acclimation to their dynamic environment as well as evolutionary adaptation in plants. Our work integrates the disciplines of genome-enabled functional genomics, molecular and cell biology, physiology, ecology and evolutionary biology. With a strong emphasis on comparative approaches between and within species, several of our projects combine labwork, the characterization of natural populations in the field and outdoor experiments.
Web of Science
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Chair of Molecular Genetics and Physiology of Plants
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